The Drawing Symposium: Drawing Lockdown I & II
In collaboration with Drawing Projects UK and the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2021, Drawing is Free co-hosted two online symposiums.
Published: March 2022

The Drawing Lockdown Symposium was an online Pecha Kucha style event which forcused on how drawing practitioners and educators responded to the experience of a global pandemic through drawing.
Convened by Chloe Briggs of Drawing is Free and Professor Anita Taylor, Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee, on behalf of Drawing Projects UK
Convened by Chloe Briggs of Drawing is Free and Professor Anita Taylor, Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee, on behalf of Drawing Projects UK
Part 1
12 February 2022
The Drawing Symposium: Drawing Lockdown (Part I) focused on how drawing practitioners responded to experience of the global pandemic through drawing.
Session 1: Susie Hamilton, David Barron, Zara Saganic , Fay Stevens, Emma Carlisle
Session 2: Katya Robin, Jo Lewis, Arianna Milesi, Jiaye Qiu & Jingyu Cheng, Elke Finkenaur
Session 3: Karen Conway, Ye Xu, Nick Grellier, Jane Hildreth, Gary Clough
Session 1: Susie Hamilton, David Barron, Zara Saganic , Fay Stevens, Emma Carlisle
Session 2: Katya Robin, Jo Lewis, Arianna Milesi, Jiaye Qiu & Jingyu Cheng, Elke Finkenaur
Session 3: Karen Conway, Ye Xu, Nick Grellier, Jane Hildreth, Gary Clough
Part 2
Saturday 5 March 2022
The online Drawing Symposium: Drawing Lockdown (Part 2) focuses on online drawing programs and how drawing together and teaching drawing online developed during lockdown.
The symposium presentations are organised into three groups
Part 1: We Explore Drawing, Cat Sivertsen + Sarah Grace Dye, Georgie Bennett, Vanessa Lawrence
Part 2: Callen McKeon, Lizzie Kinsella, Nadine Heller, Tania Kovats
Part 3: Alex Roberts, Duncan Cameron, 2B Or Not 2B Collective, Jake Spicer of Draw Brighton
This is a Zoom recording of a live event, shared as part of the research and public engagement activities of Drawing Projects UK. Images, ideas and experiences were shared with generosity of spirit, openness; please respect the intellectual property of all participants, presenters and organisers.
The symposium presentations are organised into three groups
Part 1: We Explore Drawing, Cat Sivertsen + Sarah Grace Dye, Georgie Bennett, Vanessa Lawrence
Part 2: Callen McKeon, Lizzie Kinsella, Nadine Heller, Tania Kovats
Part 3: Alex Roberts, Duncan Cameron, 2B Or Not 2B Collective, Jake Spicer of Draw Brighton
This is a Zoom recording of a live event, shared as part of the research and public engagement activities of Drawing Projects UK. Images, ideas and experiences were shared with generosity of spirit, openness; please respect the intellectual property of all participants, presenters and organisers.