Drawing is Free: 10 Year Anniversary Catalogue
Published as part of the exhibition in Paris.
30th May - 10th June, 2023
30th May - 10th June, 2023

Published: 11 June 2023
The publication includes over 140 drawings from artists who have taken part in Drawing is Free portrait sessions from around the world, 2013 - present day.
This celebration and publicaton was possible with the support of the following people.
With thanks to: Kim Plowright, Sarah Praill, Anita Taylor and Drawing Projects UK, Jake Spicer, Ayda Girma, Lillian Davies, Linda Jarvin, Joe Johnson, Gaetano Cunsulo, Ofir Darki, Verena Thompson, Alok Rajoo, Tarun Kumar, Hélène Fromen, Ioi Choi
To all the amazing people who draw with me every Monday and to my Patreon community.
And to Tom and Jackson Boothe who share their living room with over 100 people every week and without whose love and support this would not be possible.
This celebration is in memory of the passionate educator Joe Woodhouse who gave me the first invitation to share the Drawing is Free project with a wider audience. His enthusiasm and support gave me so much.
And to Margarete Najar whose poise and elegant presence was an inspiration to learn from and to draw.
This celebration and publicaton was possible with the support of the following people.
With thanks to: Kim Plowright, Sarah Praill, Anita Taylor and Drawing Projects UK, Jake Spicer, Ayda Girma, Lillian Davies, Linda Jarvin, Joe Johnson, Gaetano Cunsulo, Ofir Darki, Verena Thompson, Alok Rajoo, Tarun Kumar, Hélène Fromen, Ioi Choi
To all the amazing people who draw with me every Monday and to my Patreon community.
And to Tom and Jackson Boothe who share their living room with over 100 people every week and without whose love and support this would not be possible.
This celebration is in memory of the passionate educator Joe Woodhouse who gave me the first invitation to share the Drawing is Free project with a wider audience. His enthusiasm and support gave me so much.
And to Margarete Najar whose poise and elegant presence was an inspiration to learn from and to draw.
︎Drawing is Free: 10 Year Anniversary Catalogue︎︎︎
(PDF, 37.8mb)
︎Essay by Lillian Davies︎︎︎
(PDF, 40kb)
︎Essay by Lillian Davies︎︎︎
(PDF, 40kb)
Participating Artists
Carin Abramovitz | @carin.not.karen
Claudia Adams | @adiandbert | adiandbert.wordpress.com
Frances Allerton | @francesallerton
Jackie Amies | @jackieamiesartist | jacquelinenicholls.com
Judith Anketell | @judithanketell2
Julie Arnall | @juliearnall22 | axisweb.org/p/juliearnall
Lucia Aronsky | @lumen4y
Michele Ashby | @micheleashbyartist | micheleashby.co.uk
Paul Bainbridge | @paul_art01
Rosalind Barker | @rosalinddrawing | rosalindbarker.co.uk
David Barron | @mothsailor | davidbarron.art
Christelle Baux | @_.chrisbo._
Barbara Bennett | @barbarabennett2335
Paul Berry | @pberry_portraits
Rachel Bevan Baker | @rachello.bevanbaker | rachelbevanbaker.com
Su Bonfanti | @subonfanti | subonfanti.co.uk
Louise Bradley | @louisembradley | louise-bradley.co.uk
Ruth Broadbent | @ruth_broadbent | ruthbroadbent.com
Bob Brown | @bobbrown2450
Elaine Brown | @elainebrownart
Janet Brown | @janetbrownwriter | janinehall.co.uk
K.L.Brown | @klbrownstudio | awayfromthegrain.com
Sarah Brundle | @sarah.brundle
Aurelio Bruno | @victim_of_the_dance | researchgate.net/profile/Aurelio-Bruno
Caroline Burgess | @carolineburgess2
Jeni Caruana | @jenicaruana
Vanessa Cecil | @vanessa_cecil
Barbara Cheney | @barbaracheneyart
Marilyn Chester
Alison Chisholm | @alisonchis
Gillian Cooper | @gilliancooper.art | gilliancooper.art
Carmel Creaner | @carmelcreaner | carmelcreaner.com
Catherine Creaven | @catherinecreaven
Mary Davis
Lynnie Donkin | @lynniedonkin | lynniemoomin.com
Sarah Elliot | @sarahelliot74 | sarahelliot.co.uk
Mónica Faggioni | @aflojandolamano
Elisabetta Fatichenti | @elisabettafatichenti
Lara Feldman | @lara_feldman | larafeldman.withtank.com
Simon Fell | @sfelladrawing | simonfell.co.uk
Sarah Filmer | @sezifilmswork | sarahfilmer.com
Peter Gates | @petergatesdrawing
Glenda Gibson | @glendagibsonartist | glendagibson.com
Ayda Girma | @aydeetu
Polina Givago | @polina.givago.art | linktr.ee/polinagivagoart
Alex Glennie | @alexkdg
Fiona Godfrey | @fiona.godfrey.art | fionagodfreyart.com
Rachel Godfrey | @rachel_godfrey_writing | rachelgodfreywriting.com
Karen Griffiths | @atd317
Janine Hall | @janine_hall_j9 | jemsharmanart.com
Kate Hardy | @katehardystudio
Sarah Harrison | @harrisa_
Aileen Harvey | @harveyaileen
Kirsten Hegland | @madebykirst
Nicky Hook
Liz Horn | @_lizhorn_
Barbara Hulme | @barbara.hulme | barbarahulmefineartist.com
Nanou Jacobs | @nanoujacobs_art | nanoujacobs.nl
Eve Jégou | @evejegou
Yota Karas | @anonymous_yota | www.yotakaras.com
Konstantin Kaufman | @kaufman_konstantin | kkaufman.art
Lizzie King-Sangster | @lizziekingsangster | lizkingsangster.com
Maria Kurth | @maria_create.connect
Rita Kwong | @ritakwongart | ritakwong.com
Rachel Labovitch | @rachel.labovitch
Andy Lang | @andy766
Vanessa Lawrence | @vanessalawrencexx | vanessalawrencearts.wixsite.com/arts
Colette Lilley | @colettelilley | colettelilley.com
Pil Lindgreen | @sketching_alive
Aaron Lopez-Barrantes | @art_by_alb | artbyalb.com
Richard Lowther | @dick_lowther
Kathleen Madigan | @kathleen_madigan
Irene Makarova | @irenethereal | imakarova.art
Viv Meadows | @vivienlmeadows | vivlm.com
Grete Mollatt | @gmol_18
Terrie Monroe | @tnmonroe
Rose Montgomery-Whicher | @rose.montgomery.whicher
William Morrison-Bell | @northumbrianhermit
Lou Mumford | @creative__licence
Maureen Nathan | @maureen_a_nathan | maureennathan.com
Elsa Naude | @lounanora | elsanaude.com/en/
Michelle Neal | @_michelleneal_ | michelleneal.com
Jacqueline Nicholls | @jacquelinenicholls
Nicky Nunn | @nicky_nunn
Lucia Olivieri | @azul_luz_ | www.olivierilucia.com
Louise Owen | @artylouimages
Ella Paine | @e_b_u___
Tracie Peisley | @peisleyart | traciepeisley.com
Omi Pharncote | @feltmaker_omi | bluefacedfelt.wordpress.com
Alison Philp | @aliphilp_art
Diana Pilcher | @dianapilcher | dianapilcher.co.uk
Kim Plowright | @mildlydiverting | mildlydiverting.com
Becky Portsmouth | @margateeditions | margateeditions.com
Sarah Praill | @sarahpraill | sarahpraill.com
Ronē Prinz | @ronebird | roneprinz.com
Jenny Purrett | @draw_jennypurrett | jennypurrett.co.uk
Alexandra Radulescu | @alex.hauch.art
Chi-ann Rajah | @chirajah
Ruth Richmond | @ruthrichmond66 | ruthrichmond.com
Simone Rijksen | @simonerijksen | www.etsy.com/shop/collectionwonderland
Katya Robin | @katya.robin | katyarobinstudio.co.uk
Lucy Rockliffe | @rockliffelucy
Judy Russell | @joodrussell
Valerie Rutley-Paine | @valleyfloor19
Lynn Schwartz | @walkndraw
Sabina | @sketches_everyday
Kate Scott | @katescott7251
Alys Scott-Hawkins | @alysscotthawkins | alysscotthawkins.co.uk
Angela Shannon | @angela_shannon_illustration
Lily Shannon | @lily_shann0n.artaccount
Ridhi Sharma | @ridhisharma1911
Jem Sharman | @jemsharmanart | jenicaruana.com
Claire Sibley | @clairesibley0711
Leonie Siri MacMillan | @leoniemacmillan | siriceramics.com
Fay Stephens | @fayzeeday
Dayna Stevens | @dayn.steves
Lesley Stothers | @lesleystothers
Bridget Strevens Marzo | @bridgetmarzo
Sara Studd | @sara_studd_art | sarastudd.com
Sheila Sturzel | @sheila.samsarah
Yvonne Tabarand | @tabarandyv
Karin Tang | @katarina.020
Patrick Taylor
Irina Tecla | @irina_tecla
Sonia Thomas | @soniathomasart | soniathomasart.com
Arianna Tinulla Milesi | @ariannatinullamilesi | ariannatinulla.com
Liz Todd | @lizzatodd
Phyllis Trowbridge | @phyllistrowbridge | phyllistrowbridge.com
Rachel Turner | @doublewhoop | doublewhoop.com
Sufjan Valero | @sufjanvalero
Holly Valluzzi | @portgardnercrafts | portgardnercrafts.com
Heidrun van Dörfjes | @heidrun_the_artist | heidrun-art.de
Katie Vicary | @k.a.vic
Charles Ward | @cwrward
Janine Weinstein | @janeenie_designs | janetbrownwriter.blogspot.com
Rebecca West-Beale | @rebeccawestbeale_art
Rose Williams
Stacey Williams | @staceymwilliams79
Sue Wordsworth | @wordsworth.sue
Ellen Yiu Kwan Kit | @ellennyiu | ellenyiu.com
Kathryn Young
Help support me to create more publications
If you enjoy this publication, and find it valuable, I would be honoured if you’d consider supporting Drawing is Free at Patreon, where I create new drawing prompt booklets every month and run online drawing sessions for supporters.
Claudia Adams | @adiandbert | adiandbert.wordpress.com
Frances Allerton | @francesallerton
Jackie Amies | @jackieamiesartist | jacquelinenicholls.com
Judith Anketell | @judithanketell2
Julie Arnall | @juliearnall22 | axisweb.org/p/juliearnall
Lucia Aronsky | @lumen4y
Michele Ashby | @micheleashbyartist | micheleashby.co.uk
Paul Bainbridge | @paul_art01
Rosalind Barker | @rosalinddrawing | rosalindbarker.co.uk
David Barron | @mothsailor | davidbarron.art
Christelle Baux | @_.chrisbo._
Barbara Bennett | @barbarabennett2335
Paul Berry | @pberry_portraits
Rachel Bevan Baker | @rachello.bevanbaker | rachelbevanbaker.com
Su Bonfanti | @subonfanti | subonfanti.co.uk
Louise Bradley | @louisembradley | louise-bradley.co.uk
Ruth Broadbent | @ruth_broadbent | ruthbroadbent.com
Bob Brown | @bobbrown2450
Elaine Brown | @elainebrownart
Janet Brown | @janetbrownwriter | janinehall.co.uk
K.L.Brown | @klbrownstudio | awayfromthegrain.com
Sarah Brundle | @sarah.brundle
Aurelio Bruno | @victim_of_the_dance | researchgate.net/profile/Aurelio-Bruno
Caroline Burgess | @carolineburgess2
Jeni Caruana | @jenicaruana
Vanessa Cecil | @vanessa_cecil
Barbara Cheney | @barbaracheneyart
Marilyn Chester
Alison Chisholm | @alisonchis
Gillian Cooper | @gilliancooper.art | gilliancooper.art
Carmel Creaner | @carmelcreaner | carmelcreaner.com
Catherine Creaven | @catherinecreaven
Mary Davis
Lynnie Donkin | @lynniedonkin | lynniemoomin.com
Sarah Elliot | @sarahelliot74 | sarahelliot.co.uk
Mónica Faggioni | @aflojandolamano
Elisabetta Fatichenti | @elisabettafatichenti
Lara Feldman | @lara_feldman | larafeldman.withtank.com
Simon Fell | @sfelladrawing | simonfell.co.uk
Sarah Filmer | @sezifilmswork | sarahfilmer.com
Peter Gates | @petergatesdrawing
Glenda Gibson | @glendagibsonartist | glendagibson.com
Ayda Girma | @aydeetu
Polina Givago | @polina.givago.art | linktr.ee/polinagivagoart
Alex Glennie | @alexkdg
Fiona Godfrey | @fiona.godfrey.art | fionagodfreyart.com
Rachel Godfrey | @rachel_godfrey_writing | rachelgodfreywriting.com
Karen Griffiths | @atd317
Janine Hall | @janine_hall_j9 | jemsharmanart.com
Kate Hardy | @katehardystudio
Sarah Harrison | @harrisa_
Aileen Harvey | @harveyaileen
Kirsten Hegland | @madebykirst
Nicky Hook
Liz Horn | @_lizhorn_
Barbara Hulme | @barbara.hulme | barbarahulmefineartist.com
Nanou Jacobs | @nanoujacobs_art | nanoujacobs.nl
Eve Jégou | @evejegou
Yota Karas | @anonymous_yota | www.yotakaras.com
Konstantin Kaufman | @kaufman_konstantin | kkaufman.art
Lizzie King-Sangster | @lizziekingsangster | lizkingsangster.com
Maria Kurth | @maria_create.connect
Rita Kwong | @ritakwongart | ritakwong.com
Rachel Labovitch | @rachel.labovitch
Andy Lang | @andy766
Vanessa Lawrence | @vanessalawrencexx | vanessalawrencearts.wixsite.com/arts
Colette Lilley | @colettelilley | colettelilley.com
Pil Lindgreen | @sketching_alive
Aaron Lopez-Barrantes | @art_by_alb | artbyalb.com
Richard Lowther | @dick_lowther
Kathleen Madigan | @kathleen_madigan
Irene Makarova | @irenethereal | imakarova.art
Viv Meadows | @vivienlmeadows | vivlm.com
Grete Mollatt | @gmol_18
Terrie Monroe | @tnmonroe
Rose Montgomery-Whicher | @rose.montgomery.whicher
William Morrison-Bell | @northumbrianhermit
Lou Mumford | @creative__licence
Maureen Nathan | @maureen_a_nathan | maureennathan.com
Elsa Naude | @lounanora | elsanaude.com/en/
Michelle Neal | @_michelleneal_ | michelleneal.com
Jacqueline Nicholls | @jacquelinenicholls
Nicky Nunn | @nicky_nunn
Lucia Olivieri | @azul_luz_ | www.olivierilucia.com
Louise Owen | @artylouimages
Ella Paine | @e_b_u___
Tracie Peisley | @peisleyart | traciepeisley.com
Omi Pharncote | @feltmaker_omi | bluefacedfelt.wordpress.com
Alison Philp | @aliphilp_art
Diana Pilcher | @dianapilcher | dianapilcher.co.uk
Kim Plowright | @mildlydiverting | mildlydiverting.com
Becky Portsmouth | @margateeditions | margateeditions.com
Sarah Praill | @sarahpraill | sarahpraill.com
Ronē Prinz | @ronebird | roneprinz.com
Jenny Purrett | @draw_jennypurrett | jennypurrett.co.uk
Alexandra Radulescu | @alex.hauch.art
Chi-ann Rajah | @chirajah
Ruth Richmond | @ruthrichmond66 | ruthrichmond.com
Simone Rijksen | @simonerijksen | www.etsy.com/shop/collectionwonderland
Katya Robin | @katya.robin | katyarobinstudio.co.uk
Lucy Rockliffe | @rockliffelucy
Judy Russell | @joodrussell
Valerie Rutley-Paine | @valleyfloor19
Lynn Schwartz | @walkndraw
Sabina | @sketches_everyday
Kate Scott | @katescott7251
Alys Scott-Hawkins | @alysscotthawkins | alysscotthawkins.co.uk
Angela Shannon | @angela_shannon_illustration
Lily Shannon | @lily_shann0n.artaccount
Ridhi Sharma | @ridhisharma1911
Jem Sharman | @jemsharmanart | jenicaruana.com
Claire Sibley | @clairesibley0711
Leonie Siri MacMillan | @leoniemacmillan | siriceramics.com
Fay Stephens | @fayzeeday
Dayna Stevens | @dayn.steves
Lesley Stothers | @lesleystothers
Bridget Strevens Marzo | @bridgetmarzo
Sara Studd | @sara_studd_art | sarastudd.com
Sheila Sturzel | @sheila.samsarah
Yvonne Tabarand | @tabarandyv
Karin Tang | @katarina.020
Patrick Taylor
Irina Tecla | @irina_tecla
Sonia Thomas | @soniathomasart | soniathomasart.com
Arianna Tinulla Milesi | @ariannatinullamilesi | ariannatinulla.com
Liz Todd | @lizzatodd
Phyllis Trowbridge | @phyllistrowbridge | phyllistrowbridge.com
Rachel Turner | @doublewhoop | doublewhoop.com
Sufjan Valero | @sufjanvalero
Holly Valluzzi | @portgardnercrafts | portgardnercrafts.com
Heidrun van Dörfjes | @heidrun_the_artist | heidrun-art.de
Katie Vicary | @k.a.vic
Charles Ward | @cwrward
Janine Weinstein | @janeenie_designs | janetbrownwriter.blogspot.com
Rebecca West-Beale | @rebeccawestbeale_art
Rose Williams
Stacey Williams | @staceymwilliams79
Sue Wordsworth | @wordsworth.sue
Ellen Yiu Kwan Kit | @ellennyiu | ellenyiu.com
Kathryn Young
Help support me to create more publications
If you enjoy this publication, and find it valuable, I would be honoured if you’d consider supporting Drawing is Free at Patreon, where I create new drawing prompt booklets every month and run online drawing sessions for supporters.
Support Drawing is Free at ︎Patreon︎︎︎